Assessment Arrangements

On-going assessment is an integral part of the learning and development process. We observe individual children while they are accessing all seven areas of learning. Detailed observations of children’s involvement and progress in activities leads to staff planning for next steps in their learning. Evidence of learning is collated through written observations, photographs, samples of work and the child's own language in their record of achievement folders (Learning Journals). You are welcome to look at your child's record of achievement folder any time you would like to. While data collection is not a requirement of EYFS, we do collect assessment data and use this to inform us about your child's individual progress as well as providing us with useful cohort information. You will be shared this data at termly parent/keyworker meetings. Data is collected after your child has started at Lea Nursery (baseline data) and then further data is collected once each term (progress data).

We also share children’s progress with parents/carers informally through daily liaisons.

In order to track children’s progress, we use the statements from the document 'Birth to 5 Matters'. This document is split into areas of learning with ranges showing how children should develop at different ages and stages. Please note that all children are different, and all children develop at a different pace. Nursery staff are skilled at supporting children at different stages of development.

Assessment for our 2-year-olds is carried out using the same termly assessment checks. At the end of a child's final term in the 2-year-old provision parents will be invited in for a meeting to review the 2-year-old assessment data and checks and identify children's next steps.  This will be shared with parents as part of the transition process.

At the end of the academic year, we share information about attainment, progress and next steps with all parents as well as reception class teachers to ensure continuity and the best possible progress for all children.