Parents as Partners

We are passionate about working closely in partnership with parents in order to ensure that all children achieve the best possible outcomes.

As a Nursery School we only see most children for 3 hours a day. This means that children spend the other 21 hours with their parents. We work very hard to ensure that children pack as much learning as they can into the 3 hours that they are at Nursery. At the same time we recognise that the children who make the best possible progress are those children whose parents work closely in partnership with us- we are a team! 

Please help us by making the time to talk to your child's keyworker. (Especially when your child is a focus child.) Please feel confident to approach your child's keyworker or the headteacher if you ever wish to discuss your child and his/her development.

Normally we hold regular Parent Groups. These parent groups relate to topics that parents are interested in and need more support with- please let us know if you need support in any particular areas and we can arrange for a group to cover this subject. We are also able to arrange remote Parent Groups using Zoom.

The dates for these Parent Groups will be advertised in our newsletters, or through our texting and email service so please look out for them.